Last year I wrote how I'd stopped setting a long list of goals at the beginning of each year, and still I find I come to the beginning of each year and I'm still silently writing down things to do...
So here's my list of things to do for 2012, maybe you can relate to some of them too, but remember they are not "Goals" per se but simply things I'm putting to practice to see if they will work for me in the long run. Whether they stay or go, its not the achievement that's required or valued, but simply the influence and practicality in my life..
This year I simply want to cull the fat in my life, and streamline straight to the important things.
This year I simply want to cull the fat in my life, and streamline straight to the important things.
SO to my list,

1a) Ive bought new joggers, downloaded the c25k (couch to 5 km run) app, and Ive started walking - jogging ( next) my way towards 5 ks.... I hope to find joy at the end of the rainbow and a deep desire to do more running, like so many others I know.
1b) I am reigning in my deep rooted wants (no, not needs I tell myself) for chocolate. I crave it alot, especially with PMT. So Ive started the salads and the slowly reducing portion sizes and choosing the smaller sized choc bars when I must splash out....
I'm committed to making wiser, positive moves towards a more healthy me . What are you commiting to this year?
2)Emotionally= I seem to be always struggling with my emotional state and how it affects everything I do. I feel frustrated with relationships in general... being restricted in the time I can give to them, the requirements of me by other people, and what I need to make relationships work. I recognise the powerful effect my emotional state has on the decisions Ive make and how I need to be more proactive and less reactive in so many areas of my life.... So Ive decided to tackle this area by
I'm committed to making wiser, positive moves towards a more healthy me . What are you commiting to this year?

2a) Taking a little time each week to work out what I think and feel about the important things that matter to me. (I often dont get time to really even consider my own perspective of some of the big stuff.
2b) By giving attention to the important relationships in my life family etc, and rearranging my priorities to make them count more...
2b) By giving attention to the important relationships in my life family etc, and rearranging my priorities to make them count more...

3a) becoming more consistent in my time alone with God ( daily instead of every other day)
3b) reading the bible more casually and using studies/teachings associated with it
3c) developing the gifts/ talents he has given me and putting them to good use.
4)Career wise= I want to get back to basics clinically, refreshing basic midwifery skills.
4)Career wise= I want to get back to basics clinically, refreshing basic midwifery skills.

That's my list of things to do... I wonder if you'll do similar this year? Anyway, I hope you will find success in what ever resolutions you've written for yourself this year.
Be blessed!
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